Raising Puppies Can Be A Lot Of Work!

Raising puppies can be a lot of work but the results are well worth the effort. Puppies can bring a smile to your face even when they are sleeping.

Useful Tips On Raising Puppies

raising puppies

Raising puppies can be a very rewarding experience for those who know how to take care of them. Puppies are very intelligent creatures and require the same attention as their human companions do. As responsible pet owners, it is important that we learn the fundamentals of raising puppies before we actually get one. This article provides you with a brief summary of some essential facts that should be known before going further. Once you have read this article, you will understand what it takes to make sure your puppy grows up in a healthy, happy environment.

After all of the shots have been given and the first few weeks of motherhood have passed, you should begin the process of raising puppies. It is recommended that weaning occurs at four weeks of age. At four weeks, your little one should already be able to consume solid foods, at least two to three ounces each meal.

Should You Buy From A Breeder?

A very popular way of raising puppies is to use a breeder. Some breeders will even help you find a puppy for sale while others will simply raise them themselves. In the event that you choose to raise your pups on your own, there are a few things you will need to know in order to ensure that your new family member grows up to be a happy, healthy, pet. Your puppy’s diet, exercise requirements, and even the gender can be determined by the breeder so it is important that you are well informed prior to paying the breeder for his services.

Healthy Happy Puppies

In terms of sex, the American Kennel Club does not allow the sale of puppies that are bred for selling. In order to keep the sex of your new family member a secret, you can place a female dog into a male dog’s litter and vice versa. The sex of your pet can also be determined during a subsequent litter where both parents nurse the pups. It is never advisable for you to raise puppies where the mother is still carrying pups, because the mother has the potential to get pregnant again while nursing and kill any of the pups in the litter.

Always Keep Your Puppies Safe And Warm

When raising puppies, it is important that you provide them with shelter and warmth as soon as they arrive in your care. It is suggested that you place newborn puppies in a large fenced in area while they are still young. This helps to keep them from wandering away from their mothers at an early age. Newborn puppies also require warmth indoors since they have sensitive skin that can become irritated if they are subjected to harsh temperatures. As they grow older, keep their indoor temperatures moderate and keep their sleeping areas clean.

When it comes to feeding, active supervision and timely meal times are essential. Puppies do not have the capacity to metabolize their food at the same rate as adult dogs and can develop serious nutritional problems as a result. Dogs who are constantly fed too little or are not given a regular feeding schedule can develop obesity or get cystitis, which is an infection of the bladder or bowel. If you are raising puppies, you should make sure that they are given plenty of exercise and are fed on a regular basis.  This will also help with potty training and keeping them on a regular sleep schedule.


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