What Are The Best Dog Toys?

Do you have a basketful of dog toys for your pets? Most pet owners find themselves with boxes full of chew toys that their dog may or may not like.

Dog Toys That Can Amuse Your Pet

While there are quite a number of dog toys on the market today, there really is no single best dog toy. Every dog likes a different toy. And, no dog likes the same toy anymore than they like to have the same toy. Also, different dog toys serve different dogs in various ways.

dog toys

Some dog toys are used just for chewing. This includes cheese, peanut butter and hard plastic objects. These dog toys may be appropriate if your dog chews a lot. Other dogs don’t like to chew and will instead chase after balls that they find lying around. These dogs may prefer tennis balls, soft toys made of fabric or rubber bands, or soft toys that can be torn up.

If you don’t want your dog to chew on your things, you might consider toys like chew mats, which stop chewing when they are rolled across the floor. Or, you can buy plastic “teeth” for your dogs to hold onto. Chewing toys are often too large for smaller dogs and difficult for bigger dogs to hold onto. However, some pets do very well with these types of dog toys.

Does Your Dog Love To Play In The Water?

If your dog enjoys playing with water or mud, you might consider buying a nice little rubber dog pool. Puppies love to play in the mud and often do so in muddy water. A dog bowl can be handy as it can be taken with you wherever you go. Many of these pools are collapsible for easy storage, which makes them great for traveling. There are also many smart pet love specially designed “sink” dog toys, which allows the dog owner to feed the dog without having to wash up after their pup.

There are also chew toys made especially for puppies to chew on. There are several different toys that were made specifically for puppies to chew on. These include bones, teething rings, soft plastic animals, chew mats (these are collapsible and made of fleece), rubber bones, and a whole host of other toys to help relieve the pain of puppies teething. Puppies who are teething will often chew on anything they can get their mouths around so these toys can be extremely helpful.

Puppies Love To Chew Everything

If puppies chew on things they shouldn’t, you may want to try washing them in warm water and detergent. If puppies ingest the detergent while trying to consume the toys, the chemicals in the detergent can cause the toys to become lodged in their small intestine. Once the toys become lodged, they will need to be removed from the dog’s digestive tract via the anus. Removing ribbons, fabric softener, lint rollers, clothes pins, plastic ties, rubber bands, yarn or fleece can prevent your pet from ingesting the materials they shouldn’t be consuming. Puppy shredders and similar tools can help alleviate the problem but unless the problem is caught early, it can become quite a serious health issue later on in life for the dog.


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