Is Puppy Kibble The Best Type Of Dog Food

Puppy kibble is often the first dry food that pet owners will feed to their dog. Dry kibble can be very healthy and good for your pet’s teeth.

Is Puppy Kibble Enough for a Large Breed Dog?

Puppy kibble is often the first dry food that most new puppy owners try to introduce to their dogs. However it is important to realize that there is a big difference between puppy kibble and dog food. Puppy food is usually cheaper than dry dog food but there are many differences in quality and safety. In general, kibble is not worth the extra money and it certainly does not provide the same nutrients that dry dog food offers. Just as in humans, the development and growth stages are vital times in puppies and proper nutritional mistakes during these stages can result in irreparable repercussions.

puppy kibble

Puppy food has its place in puppies development. It provides them with essential vitamins and minerals to help support their growing bodies. Puppies also need protein, fat and carbohydrates to help fuel their active puppies. Although all three are important for building strong bones and muscles, dogs that are fed too much or have a lack of these components in their diet can be prone to a number of health problems. Dry dog food lacks carbohydrates and proteins, which can lead to constipation, bloating and allergies in adult dogs. For small dogs that are still learning to digest dry food properly, puppy kibble can result in diarrhea and general weight loss.

Changing Your Dog’s Diet

If you are considering changing your puppy’s feeding schedule to include kibble, you must realize that this change will have several implications on his nutrition and health. First of all, you will need to add a new food source to your household. If you feed your animal canned food, he will not need this additional supply of protein, fat and carbohydrates. On the flip side, kibble will need to come into regular daily servings to help support his growing body.

Also, the consistency of puppy kibble is quite different from the adult food. While adult dog food can be fairly smooth, it is often chunky or chewy in texture. In comparison, most canned foods are more smooth and can be consumed as small, snack-sized portions. This helps the digestive process by providing smaller, more regular portions that help him to fully digest his food and receive the necessary nutrients for his growing growth phase.  Going to all natural and organic pet foods can also be good for your pet’s health.

Another important reason to switch your pet’s food from puppy kibble to canned food is because many large breed dogs suffer from digestive upsets and frequent vomiting. Large breed dogs also have very sensitive stomachs that may react negatively to even the most benign of treats. If your dog is experiencing frequent upset stomachs, diarrhea or blood in his stool, you should contact your vet. He may be able to give you specific guidelines for changing your dog’s diet, or he may recommend a specially formulated diet that will address the nutritional needs of your particular breed. In most cases, he will recommend a canned dog food that contains meat as the main ingredient.

Puppy Kibble Can Be Very Healthy

Many new puppy kibble brands, such as Purina and Hymes, include a variety of unique ingredients that address both nutritional and convenience needs. For example, Purina’s Easy Bits features a variety of high-protein meats that are guaranteed to provide your dog with the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients he needs for optimal health. These healthy ingredients, such as lamb, chicken, bison and venison, provide your pet with the protein he needs for energy, growth and a strong immune system. Other ingredients in these healthy dog foods include rice, alfalfa, sweet potatoes, vegetables and rice flour, which all provide your pet with the additional fiber he needs for optimal digestion.


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