Basic Dog Training Sessions

Using some basic dog training sessions to start working with your puppy is a great way to begin training. Consistency is a key to dog training.

Basic Dog Training Sessions – Teach Your Pup These 5 Basic Commands!

basic dog training

Basic dog training sessions steps are easy to follow, and they will get you on your way to a well-behaved dog quickly. When I first started dog training, I followed step by step, making mistakes along the way, and usually getting angry at my own silly mistakes. It turned out that when you know the basics of dog training, there is no need to be perfectionists or go through the whole mess of getting angry and upset at yourself. In fact, the dog training process is a great experience for both you and your dog! Here are some basic steps and techniques that you can use from the very start.

Basic dog training sessions should start with positive reinforcement. Keep in mind that in order for any training process to be successful, you must be positive about it, and be patient. Remember to remain consistent, remain positive, and utilize clicker training as an opportunity for bonding with your puppy. If you’re struggling with basic dog training, don’t push things too fast.

How To Train A Dog

Always Reinforce Good Behavior

To reinforce good behavior in your puppy, always give your puppy positive reinforcement and treats. Any time he exhibits a behavior that you approve of, immediately give him a treat and praise him for that behavior. It doesn’t matter what the behavior is – whether it’s scratching, digging, or misbehaving, providing positive reinforcement and treats at those times will make him want to do only those behaviors and stop doing the other ones.  Treats as a reward can help change behavior, plus you will want to make sure you are consistent in your basic dog training sessions.

You should also start training your dog on the “Sit” command right away. The basic idea here is to teach your puppy that if you command him to sit, he must sit. For example, when you say “Sit,” your puppy should immediately sit down. You can do this by using the clicker. It may sound ridiculous, but after a few practice sessions, your pup will begin to understand the behavior and you can use this as a reward.

It’s imperative that you also start training your dog to pay attention to you. This is accomplished using the “Down” command. Say this word in a firm, powerful tone while your pup is close to you. He should immediately sit down and pay attention to you. Use puppy treats as a reward for a proper response, almost all dogs respond well to treats as positive reinforcement.

Be sure that you are praising your dog for these basic commands. This helps him to learn faster and he’ll love all of the extra perks that come along with receiving his “pat on the back.” As your pup grows, you can increase the number of commands you teach him. But for now, simply stick with the essentials, and practice each command over again until your pup can carry out each of them with enthusiasm. Only then can you proceed to teach more complicated commands like the “Fetch” command.


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